In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
We the people of Afghanistan:
1. With firm faith in God Almighty and relying on His mercy, and Believing in the Sacred religion of Islam,
Observing the United Nations Charter and respecting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
Realizing the injustice and shortcomings of the past and the numerous troubles imposed on our country,
While acknowledging the sacrifices and the historic struggles, rightful Jehad and resistance of the Nation, and respecting the high position of the martyrs for the freedom of Afghanistan,
Understanding the fact that Afghanistan is a single and united country and belongs to all ethnicities residing in this country,
For consolidating national unity and safeguarding the independence, national sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the country,
For establishing a government based on the people's will and democracy,
For the creation of a civil society free of oppression, atrocity, discrimination, and
violence and based on the rule of law, social justice, protection of human rights,
and dignity, and ensuring the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people,
For strengthening political, social, economic, and defensive institutions of the country,
For ensuring a prosperous life and sound environment for all those residing in this land,
And finally for regaining Afghanistanâs deserved place in the international community,
Have adopted this constitution in compliance with historical, cultural, and social
requirements of the era, through our elected representatives in the Loya Jirga dated 1382 in the city of Kabul.