The Astrophysical journal

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Book digitized by Google from the library of Harvard University and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb. Chemical abstracts Some issues supplemented by VHS videocassette Vols. for Jan. 1942- published by the University of Chicago (in collaboration with the American Astronomical Society); by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society Vols. 1-25, 1895-June 1907. 1 v.; Vols. 26-50, July 1907-1919. 1 v.; Vols. 51-75, Jan. 1920-June 1932. 1 v.; Vols. 76-100, July 1932-Nov. 1944. 1 v.; Vols. 101-135, Mar. 1954-May 1962. 1 v.; Vols. 136-145, July 1962-Sept. 1966. (Includes index to Astrophysical journal. Supplement series v. 7-13, May 1962-Oct. 1966) 1 v.; Vols. 101-145 (Includes index to Astrophysical journal. Supplement series, v. 1-13, 1954-Oct. 1966). Publishes an annual index to the year's volumes and supplements, cumulated quinquennially, <1973-> Author index: v. 456-545 (1996 to Dec. 20, 2000) includes index to Supplement series v. 102-131. 1v Subject index: v. 456-545 (1996 to Dec. 20, 2000) includes index to Supplement series v. 102-131. 1 v Selected tabular data July 20, 1993- included in: American Astronomical Society CD-ROM series Issued also Part 2 and separately paged under title: Letters to the editor, v. 148(1967)- ; Letters, v. 328(1988)- SERBIB/SERLOC merged record ACQN: aq 96005283
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