The Archaeological journal v. 23

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Avery index to architectural periodicals. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. Supplement Art index Architectural periodicals index RILA. Répertoire international de la littérature de l'art Vols. 51-86 called also 2d ser., v. 1-36 Some issues have microfiche supplement Vol. for 1844 published under the direction of the Central Committee of the British Archaeological Association; 1845-1866 under the direction of the Central Committee of the Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland; 1867-Sept. 1875 by the Central Committee of the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland; Dec. 1875-1929 by the Council of the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland; 1930-1959 by the Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland; 1960-<1988> by the Royal Archaeological Institute Vols. 1 (1844)-25 (1868). 1 v.; v. 26 (1869)-50 (1893). 1 v.; v. 51 (1894)-75 (1918). 1 v.; v.76 (1919)-100 (1943). 1 v Sloan candidate
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