Synthetic organic chemicals : United States production and sales 1946

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Chiefly tables Includes appendix "Information on the synonymous names of the organic chemicals included in this report may be found in the SOCMA Handbook: Commercial Organic Chemical Names, published by the Chemical Abstracts Service of the American Chemical Society, or the Colour Index (2d edition) published by the Society of Dyers and Colourists." Item 982-A S/N 049-000-00040 S/N 049-000-00042-1 None issued for 1931-1932 Title varies: 1917-1920, Census of dyes and coal-tar chemicals -- 1921-1930, Census of dyes and other synthetic organic chemicals (varies slightly) -- 1933, Production and sale of dyes and other synthetic organic chemicals -- 1934-1937, Dyes and other synthetic organic chemicals in the United States 1960- published as Its TC Publication 34 ...
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