"The papers brought together in this volume have, in a general way, been arranged in chronological sequence. They span a period of twenty-nine years of Muir's life, during which they appeared as letters and articles, for the most part in publications of limited and local circulation."--Editor's note Wild wool. -- A geologist's winter walk. -- Summer days at mount Shasta. -- A perilous night on Shasta's summit. -- Shasta rambles and Modoc memories. -- The city of the Saints. -- A great storm in Utah. -- Bathing in Salt Lake. -- Mormon lilies. -- The San Gabriel valley. -- The San Gabriel mountains. -- Nevada farms. -- Nevada forests. -- Nevada's timber belt. -- Glacial phenomena in Nevada. -- Nevada's dead towns. -- Puget sound. -- The forests of Washington. -- People and towns of Puget sound. -- An Ascent of mount Rainier. -- The physical and climate characteristics of Oregon. -- The forests of Oregon and their inhabitants. -- The rivers of Oregon. -- The Grand cañon of the Colorado