Statistics of income 1969

Book cover
Previously classed: T 22.35/2:C 81 Shipping list no.: 94-0055-P 1990 Reports are designated by calendar year and cover returns whose tax years end in July of that year through June of the following year Vols. for 1978-1979 issued in combined form Vols. for 1954-19 prepared by: the Statistics Division Vols. for <1978/79>-198 issued by: the Corporation Statistics Branch; <1985-> by: Internal Revenue Service 1958-1968. 1 v.; 1964-1973. 1 v Preliminary statistics issued in: Statistics of Income, preliminary. Corporation income tax returns (Washington, D.C. : 1957), Preliminary statistics of income. Corporation income tax returns; and: Statistics of income, preliminary. Corporation income tax returns, (Washington, D.C. : 1981) More detailed statistics are available in: Source book of statistics of income, <1954>-1963/1964; and: Source book of statistics of income. Active corporation income tax returns, 1964/1965- Guide to documentation available in: Statistics of income. Corporation income tax returns. Documentation guide 10/03/94 at 15:15:53
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