This is a work 'Short Story 2' and each individual sentence , written by Gerard Arthus; 9 January 2010. This work was created by Gerard Arthus and is in the Public Domain under the Creative Commons License. I will be producing numerous versions of this short story. All (The entire short story and each indiviidual sentence will be Copyrighted Under the Creative Commons license and will be in the Public Domain. Anyone will be able to use this story or the Sentences therein in whatever way that they choose; included but not limited to incorporation into their own (so-called) creative works. The only restriction is that the derivative work created with this story or sentences therein cannot have in any form, restrictions placed upon its distribution. Hopefully this will highlight the lunacy of modern Copyright rules which are the agents for the destruction of the very things their fellow-traveler lackeys are claiming to promote. That is, modern Copyright Rules stifle Creativity; interfere with the distribution of information, and concentrate power in the hands of the increasing numbers of human scum which inhabit our governments and large multi-national Corporations. They could care less about freedom, free speech, intellectual rights and creativity; their only god is the worship of money and power. I intend to use their own rules to show how stupid and corrupt their actions have been. I have declared the name for this literary style to be Anarcho Stream-of-Thought literature.