Ministry of Tourism, Government of India and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in India have been involved in an initiative on Rural Tourism. Covering 36 sites spread geographically over the country, these pilot project experiences had much to offer in terms of learning about the intersection between community dynamics and tourism projects. A review of the project commissioned by UNDP in 2008 set EQUATIONS on a journey of exploring the issues and learnings derived from these pilot projects. We travelled to various sites, met communities, implementing agencies, policy makers and advisors. The outcome was a detailed review report, an audio visual documentation in the form of a film âRedefining Tourism â Voices from Rural Indiaâ, and this dossier. This dossier is conceptualised as accompanying the film in order to mirror the experiences of policymakers, implementers and community members. It is hoped that these reflections and insights will help those engaging in or simply interested in rural tourism to understand its components and complexities.
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