Many volumes have their own index Vol. 12-19 edited by W.H. Egle CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS TO REACH THIS DOCUMENT v.1. Minutes of the Board of War 1777; Minutes of the Navy Board 1777; Officers and men of the Pennsylvania navy, 1775-1781; British prisoners in Pennsylvania; Memorandum book of the Committee and Council of Safety, 1776-1777; Battle of Long Island; Sick Soldiers in Philadelphia, December 1776; Papers relating to the war of the Revolution, 1775-1777; Chevaux de Frize -- v.2. Names of Persons for Whom Marriage Licenses were issued in the Province of Pennsylvania Previous to 1790 with Addenda; Persons Naturalized in the Province of Pennsylvania, 1740-1773; Officers and Soldiers in the service of the Province of Pennsylvania 1744-1764; Indian Traders, Mediterranean Passes, Letters of Marque and Ships' Registers 1743-1776 - v.3. Names of persons who took the oath of allegiance to the state of Pennsylvania between the years 1776 and 1794; Papers relating to the war of the Revolution, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780; Memorials against calling a convention, 1779 -- v.4. Papers relating to what is known as the Whiskey Insurrection in western Pennsylvania, 1794; Narrative of the Journey of Col. Thomas Proctor, to the Indians of the North-West, 1791 -- v.5. Papers relating to the Colonies on the Delaware (1614-82) -- v.6. Papers Relating to the French Occupation in western Pennsylvania, 1631-1734 - v.7. Papers relating to the Provincial Affairs; Papers relating to the Dutch and Swedish Settlements on the Delaware River, 1630-1763 -- v.8. Record of Pennsylvania marriages prior to 1810, volume I - v.9. Record of Pennsylvania marriages prior to 1810, volume II; Officers of Colonies on the Delaware (1614-1776) -- v.10. Lists of Pennsylvania soldiers in the war of the Revolution, 1775-1783, battalions and line, part I - v.11. Lists of Pennsylvania soldiers in the war of the Revolution, 1775-1783, battalions and line, part II - v.12. Muster rolls of the Pennsylvania volunteers in the War of 1812-1814, part I - v.13. Lists of soldiers in the war of the Revolution, 1775-1783, associated battalions and militia, part I - v.14. Lists of soldiers in the war of the Revolution, 1775-1783, associated battalions and militia, part II - v.15. Revolutionary journals and diaries with lists of officers and soldiers; journals of Major Ennion Williams, Capt. Wm. Hendricks, John Joseph Henry, Lt. James McMichael, Lt. Erkuries Beatty, Wm. Rogers, Capt. Wm. Gray, Lt. Wm. McDowell, James Duncan, Samuel McNeill, minutes of the committee of Safety of Bucks county - v.16. Boundary dispute between Pennsylvania and Maryland -- v.17. Names of foreigners who took the oath of allegiance, 1727-1775 with foreign arrivals, 1786-1808 - v.18. Documents relating to the Connecticut settlement in the Wyoming Valley; An examination of the Connecticut claim to lands in Pennsylvania, 1774; The Dutch records of New Netherlands in connection with the boundaries of Connecticut; Letters of the Pennsylvania claimants to the state's commissioners; Letters from the Commissioners of Pennsylvania; Book of the fifteen townships - v.19. Minutes of the Board of Property of the province of Pennsylvania, pt. 1 16