The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a fertile ground for controversial trade agreements that push for opening up of a member nationâs markets. This has had disastrous effects on developing country economies. The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the WTO aims at the deregulation of international markets in Services like education, health, energy, water distribution, culture, environment and tourism. One of the concerns with the GATS is the implications of its negotiating process. The Ministry of Commerce in India which negotiates on behalf of the government acts without due consultation with the state and local governments and other ministries. Many Services that the GATS address are under the jurisdiction of local governments. Thus, agreements made in such a manner are undemocratic. Tourism Services Sector is one of the largest and least restricted sector that comes under the purview of GATS. This paper presents concerns and impacts that the GATS can have on tourism, local governments and livelihoods.
Publisher: Equitable Tourism Options (EQUATIONS)
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