BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the 31st day of March, in the 50th year of theIndependence of the United States of America, A. D. 1826, Hugh L. Hodge,Franklin Bache, Charles D. Meigs, Benjamin H. Coates, and Rene La Roche,of the said District, have deposited in this office the Title of a Book,the right whereof they claim as Proprietors, in the words following, towit:"_The North American Medical and Surgical Journal. Conducted by Hugh L.Hodge, M. D., Franklin Bache, M. D., Chas. D. Meigs, M. D., B. H.Coates, M. D., and R. La Roche, M. D. Non doctior, sed meliore imbutusdoctrina. Vol. II._"In conformity to the act of Congress of the United States, intituled,"An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies ofmaps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies,during the times therein mentioned;"--and also to the act, entitled, "Anact supplementary to an act, entitled, "An act for the encouragement oflearning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to theauthors and proprietors of such copies, during the times thereinmentioned," and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing,engraving, and etching historical and other prints."