New York Radical Feminists: brief overview listing of the history and activities of the December 4, 1969-1977 New York Radical Feminists with New York Radical Feminists Internet and print resources for further research about New York Radical Feminists.
This 4-page New York Radical Feminists overview listing is based upon reviews of "New York Radical Feminists Newsletters", "Introductions to New York Radical Feminists", New York Radical Feminists conference materials and other New York Radical Feminists and related organization documents. These documents are archived at Duke University's Rare Books and Manuscript Library, Russell Sage College Troy, NY Helen Upton Center for Women's History, University of Connecticut at Storrs Babbidge Library Thomas Dodd Research Center and here at (New York Radical Feminists Introductions, consciousness-raising group guides, conference materials and other documents) under a search for "radical feminism."