The principles of naval administration (National review, Jun, 1908) -- The United States Navy Department (Scribner's magazine, May, 1908) -- Principles involved in the war between Japan and Russia (National review, September, 1904) -- Retrospect upon the war between Japan and Russia (National review, May 1906) -- Objects of the United States Naval War College (an address at the anual opening, August 6, 1888) -- The practical character of the United States Naval War College (an address at the annual opening, September 6, 1892) -- Subordination in historical treatment (president's address at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association, December 26, 1902) -- The strength of Nelson (National review, November, 1905) -- The value of the Pacific cruise of the United States fleet, 1908 (Prospect: The Scientific American, December 7, 1907. Retorspect: Collier's weekly, August 29, 1908) -- The Monroe doctrine (National review, February, 1902)