Montana economic study: staff [studies] 1970 V. 2

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[v.1] Employment in Montana 1960: analysis by industry and occupation, by P.E. Polzin. [v.2] Social organization in Montana, by R.J. Bigart. [v.3] Indians in Montana, by P.C. Lin, S.B. Chase, R.J. Bigart. [v.4] Social change in Montana, by R.J. Bigart. [v.5] Selected nonpecuniary aspects of life in Montana, by R.J. Bigart. [v.6] Recent geographic migration trends in Montana, by K.P. Johnson. [v.7] Structural determinants of wage and income levels in Montana, by P.E Polzin. [v.8] Employment trends in Montana: 1950-1968, by P.E. Polzin. [9] Net geographic migration for Montana - 1950 to 1960 by age, sex and educational level, by K.P. Johnson. [v.10] Off-farm work in Montana, by P.E. Polzin. [v.11] Distribution of income and its relation to the economic welfare of Montanans, by P.C. Lin 14
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