Why these "Merritt-7 green?" posts? Merritt-7 green posts have as their ultimate purpose shaming if you will Merritt-7 owners and Merritt-7 managers to really be green by eliminating the biggest source of environmental pollution--auto traffic to the Merritt 7 complex caused by poor Merritt 7 complex rail access. These Merritt 7 green? posts hope to spur Merritt-7 owners and managers to build as part of their Merritt-7 complex an integrated Merritt-7 Danbury Line Metro-North station so that Merritt-7 is a TOD, transit-oriented development, not a transit adjacent one that relies on air polluting cars as the only real means of access to Merritt-7 and the resulting traffic congestion headaches for Merritt-7 commuters.
Is Merritt 7 at all green when Merritt 7 is transit unfriendly as shown with this Merritt 7 photograph of the beginning of the half-mile walk from the Merritt-7 Wilton CT Danbury Metro-North line station--separated from the Merritt 7 complex buildings with a fence--to Merritt building entrances on Route 7.
See related photographs by searching Merritt 7 on archive.org for the Merritt 7 minimum requirement Metro-North Merritt 7 Danbury line train station Merritt-7 developers put up with the fence blocking access to the Merritt 7 complex and the long walk to Merritt 7 building entrances on Route 7. The Merritt 7 developers could have built the Merritt 7 complex to incorporate a pleasant Merritt 7 station with direct and pleasant short walk-ways to easily access Merritt 7 building entraces.
Hopefully, Merritt 7 will be Connecticut's and the nation's last auto-oriented office park development and Merritt-7 developers will really earn their Green Awards with a new Merritt 7 rail station built as part of their complex. The EPA will take TOD transit-oriented development designs into consideration when giving its Green Awards as it unfortunately did to Merritt 7.