Les réfugiés de Saint-Domingue, en arrestation dans la commune de Nantes, a la Convention nationale

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4 p. ;|c25 cm. (4to) Caption title At head of title at opposite sides of text: Liberté. Égalité Signatures: [A]² Engraved head piece Signed on p. 4: Faye, Massoneau, Lebreton-Villandry, and 9 others The speech specifically mentions commissaires Sonthonax and Polverel and calls them atrocious, despoilers and assasins. Etienne Polverel, who died in 1794, had his son François try to restore his father's name. Sonthonax was denounced in front of the Convention nationale in France in 1793 and left the island to return to France in 1796
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