Les délices des Pays-Bas : ou Description géographique et historique des XVII. provinces belgiques.. 4

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Each volume has added t.p., engraved First edition published 1697 Attributed by Barbier and others to J.B. Christyn (1622-1690) but their assertions are contradicted by the Biographie nationale, which states: F.V. Goethals ... affirme cependant qu'il n'a rien trouvé qui puisse garantir l'exactitude de cette assertion. A son avis, ce livre populaire ... pourrait bien être l'uvre du jurisconsulte Jean-Baptiste Christyn [1635?-1707] ... La même opinion a été émise par m. Britz John Adams Library copy has bookplate: John Adams Library, in the Custody of the Boston Public Library John Adams Library copy has signature removed from t.p John Adams Library copy contains signature on first leaf: "Geo[?]machile[?]" John Adams Library copy incomplete: wanting vols. 1-3, 5 T.p. printed in red and black With final errata leaf Includes index Cicognara Also available on microfiche John Adams Library copy transferred from the supervisors of the Temple and School Fund. Quincy, Mass., 1894
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