The John Metcalfe Publishing Trust & The Tylers Green Cult
There is a group of people in the UK who follow a man called John Metcalfe. They meet in Bethlehem Meeting Hall, Tylers Green, near High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.
Mr Metcalfe claimed to speak and write by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and to be the only true mouthpiece for God in the world today.
The devotion he managed to inspire in people was cultic and disturbing.
Now an elderly man, he was a dramatic captivating public speaker who drew people to himself because of his authoritative style and the sense that here was a man who really believed and preached the truth.
Mr Metcalfe's organisation, John Metcalfe Publishing Trust, has recently launched a website:-
Over a decade ago Mr Metcalfe had an affair with his Singaporean house-keeper. This resulted in the end of his marriage and the departure of his wife and family to Scotland. Many members of his hyper-exclusive cult left at this point. He continues to live, in adultery, with this house-keeper until this day.
Apparently his devotees are at presently spending hours each week (especially on Sundays) listening to his old messages on tape! They believe everyone else apart from them is going to hell, and that there is no true preaching elsewhere on the planet apart from on these old tape recordings!