Written commentary on Revelation, Urdu version, by Dr. Bob Utley, retired Professor of Hermeneutics (Bible Interpretation). This is one of the most difficult books to interpret. We must be careful not to be dogmatic in our interpretation because godly people throughout history have disagreed on its meaning. It is a uniquely Jewish literary genre, apocalyptic, which was often used in tension-filled times to express the conviction that God was in control of history and would bring deliverance to His people. The author is believed to be the Apostle John. The setting was persecution caused by the separation of the Christian church from the legal protection Rome accorded to Judaism. Revelation was written to show God's sovereignty in history and the promise of the culmination of all things in Him. Christians are to remain faithful even amidst persecution, always remembering the blessed hope. Part of the
"You Can Understand the Bible"TM series. For more of Dr. Utley's Bible study guides, and audio and video sermons and commentaries, go to