Historische Zeitschrift

Book cover
Book digitized by Google and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb. Founded and 1859-95 edited by H. von Sybel Publication suspended, Jan. 1944-Mar. 1949 Vols. 37-96 called also "neue Folge," v. 1-60; v. 97-130 called also "3. Folge," v. 1-34 Vols. 1-20, 1859-68. 1 v.; vols. 1-36, 1859-76, with index to v. 1-20.; vols. 1-56, 1859-86, with index to v. 1-20.; vols. 57-96, 1887-1906. 1 v.; vols. 97-130, 1906-24. 1 v.; vols. 131-168, 1928-43. 1 v.; vols. 169-199, 1949-64. 1 v.; vols. 200-225, 1965-77. 1 v.; vols. 226-245, 1978-87. 1 v.; vols. 246-255, 1988-1992. 1 v.; vols. 256-265, 1993-1997. 1 v.; vols. 266-275, 1998-2002. 1 v.; vols. 276-285, 2003-2007. 1 v SERBIB/SERLOC merged record ACQN: aq 94027661
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