High Court of Justice of Ireland - June 2, 1888 Judgement

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The June 2, 1888 judgement of the High Court of Justice of Ireland confirming that Dublin's Trinity College and the University of Dublin "are one body". This High Court judgement was published by Trinity College in 1898 in Volume II of Chartae et Statuta Collegii Sacrosanctae et Individuae Trinitatis Reginae Elizabethae juxta Dublin, pages 507-536. A copy of this nineteenth century book is held at the Irish National Library and the judgement was scanned and this PDF file created using that source. Copyright expired. The title of the case was - The Provost, Fellows and Scholars of Trinity College, Dublin v. the Attorney General, the Chancellor, Doctors and Masters of the University of Dublin and the Trustees and Executors of the will of the late Richard Tuohill Reid. In a speech in the Irish Senate on April 18, 2000 Senator David Norris, who is one of the three senators representing the Trinity College constituency in the Irish Senate and is also an employee of the College, said that the judgement of the High Court of Justice of Ireland delivered by the Master of the Rolls on June 2, 1888 "is the leading, established and persuasive judgment in the matter, and there is nothing to challenge it". It is, he said, "the only reserved judgment of the Irish Superior Courts dealing with the relationship between Trinity College Dublin, [and] the University of Dublin...".
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