Fasciculus Ioanni Willis Clark dicatus

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Dedication [by] H.M. Butler. -- To John Willis Clark [by] A.J. Mason. -- The catalogue of the Library of the Augustinian friars at York, now first edited from the ms. at Trinity college, Dublin [by] M.R. James. -- Un catalogo fin qui sconosciuto della Biblioteca papale d'Avignone (1407) [by] F. Ehrle. -- Eleven letters from Henry Bradshaw to S.W. Lawley, edited by F. Jenkinson. -- Certain disquisitions, by John Barwick and other Cambridge divines, published in 1644; a point of bibliography [by] F. Madan. -- Le registre des dépenses de la Bibliothèque vaticane de 1548 à 1555 [by] L. Dorez Bibliography of J.W. Clark (p. 570-577)
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