Occasional addresses and papers, for the most part previously published in various reviews, 1877-1898 Address to the Library association [1893]--Public libraries and their catalogues.--The printing of the British museum Catalogue.--The past, present, and future of the British museum Catalogue.--The British museum Catalogue as the basis of a universal catalogue.--Introduction of European printing into the East.--Paraguayan and Argentine bibliography.--The early Italian book trade.--Some book-hunters of the seventeenth century.--Librarianship in the seventeenth century.--The manufacture of fine paper in England in the eighteenth century.--On some colophons of the early printers.--On the system of classifying books on the shelves followed at the British museum.--Subject-indexes to transactions of learned societies.--Photography in public libraries.--The telegraph in the library.--On the protection of libraries from fire.--The sliding-press at the British museum.--On the provision of additional space in libraries.--Preface to Blades' "Enemies of books".--Sir Anthony Panizzi.--The late John Winter Jones.--The late Henry Stevens.--The late Sir Edward A. Bond.--Index Rare Annex copy 1: Gift of Henry W. Sage