Printed in Great Britain "Most of these essays appeared originally in the Saturday review ... Three appeared in the Pall Mall gazette, and one, the first essay on ʻEng lish literature at the universities,̓ in the Nineteenth century ... But all of them have been carefully revised and greatly enlarged."--Pref --The present functions of criticism.--English literature at the universities, pt. I-III.--Our literary guides, pt.I-II.--Log-rolling and education.--Our literary guides, pt.III.--The new criticism.--The gentle art of self-advertisement.--R. L. Stevenson's, letters.--Literary iconoclasm. --William Dunbar.--A gallop through English literature.--De Quincey and his friends.--Lee's Life of Shakespeare.--Shakespeare's sonnets.--Landscape in poetry.--An appreciation of Francis Turner Palgrave.--Ancient Greek and modern life.--The principles of criticism.--Women in Greek poetry.--Mr. Stephen Phillips' poems.--The illustrious obscure.--Virgil in English hexameters.--The latest edition of Thomson.--Catullus and Lesbia.--The religion of Shakespeare