Botanisches Zentralblatt; referierendes Organ für das Gesamtgebiet der Botanik jahrg. 20 , bd. 80

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Includes section "Neue Literatur" (earlier, "Literatur") which forms a separate vol., 1902-19 (v. 91, 94, 97, 100, etc.) Weekly, 1880-1919; irregular, 1922- Publication suspended 1920-21, inclusive Vols. 1-142 called also 1.-40. Jahrg.; v.143-179 called also n.F., Bd.1-37 Includes section "Neue Literatur" (earlier, "Literatur") which forms a separate vol., 1902-19 (v. 91, 94, 97, 100, etc.) Organ of the Botanischer Verein in Munich; the Botaniska sällskapet in Stockholm and of other botanical societies, 1884-98; of the Association internationale des botanistes, 1902-19 Referate: Vols. 143-152, 1922-27, in v. 152; Vols. 153-162, 1927-Mar. 1932, in v. 162; Vols. 163-172, May 1932-Jan. 1938, in v. 172
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