American state papers : documents, legislative and executive, of the Congress of the United States ... 5

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Nos. 1-38 of the Congressional series class I. Foreign relations. 6 v. 1st Cong.-20th Cong., 1st sess. April 30, 1789-May 24, 1828--class II. Indian affairs. 2 v. 1st Cong.-19th Cong., May 25, 1789-March 1, 1827--class III. Finance. 5 v. 1st Cong.-20th Cong., 1st sess., April 11, 1789-May 16, 1828--class IV. Commerce and navigation. 2 v. 1st Cong.-17th Cong., April 13, 1789-Feb. 25, 1823--class V. Military affairs. 7 v. 1st Cong.-25th Cong., 2d sess., Aug. 10, 1789-March 1, 1838--class VI. Naval affairs. 4 v. 3d Cong.-24th Cong., 1st sess., Jan. 20, 1794-June 15, 1836--class VII. Post-office department. 1 v. 1st Cong., 2d sess.-22d Cong., Jan. 22, 1790-Feb. 21, 1833--class VIII. Public lands. 8 v. 1st Cong.-24th Cong., July 31, 1790-Feb. 28, 1837--class IX. Claims. 1 v. 1st Cong., 2d sess.-17th Cong., Feb. 5, 1790-March 3, 1823--class X. Miscellaneous. 2 v. 1st Cong.-17th Cong., April 17, 1789-March 3, 1823
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