Aanhangsel van het werk, De uitlandsche kapellen : voorkomende in de drie waereld-deelen Asia, Africa en America, door den heere Pieter Cramer ... supplement (1791)

Book cover
Issued in 5 parts between 1787 and 1791 Pt. 1 (issued 1787) includes pages i-viii and 1-42, and plates I-VIII; pts. 2-5 (issued 1790 and 1791) includes title leaf, p.43-184, and plates IX-XLII "Vervattende naauwkeurige afbeeldingen van Surinaamsche rupsen en poppen." Illustrated by Gerrit Wartenaar Lambertz Errors in paging Includes bibliographical references and index Nissen, C. Zoologische Buchillustration Hagen, H. A. Bib. entomologica extracted picklist SCNHRB copy 39088015260136 has bookplate: Collection of William Schaus, presented to the National Museum MCMV. With embossed stamp: Smithsonian Institution U.S. National Museum; accession no. 199621 SCNHRB copy has a modern green quarter-leather binding with brown linen-covered boards, and a gilt-lettered red leather spine label
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