Moses Coit Tyler, in his History of American literature, expresses the opinion that the author was one Cotton of Aquia Creek, husband of that Mrs. Anne Cotton who wrote "An account of our late troubles." Unfortunately the printed edition followed by Force was found to contain so many errors and omissions that it was carfully compared with manuscript and republished in Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, v. 9, 1867, p. 299-342, with the following note: The manuscript is evidently contemporaneous with the events described, or written not long after their occurrence ... Several leaves being destroyed at the beginning and end, there is no title, except the running-heading on each page, viz. "The Indians proseedings," "Ingram's proceedings," &c., as in the reprint. Upon the outside of the cover, in a later hand, is written "Bacon's proceedings, July 27, 1764." This latter reprint was also separately issued in 1867 with title: The history of Bacon's and Ingram's rebellion